Wedding Superstitions To Consider

Since throwing a wedding often involves months upon months of planning, many couples experience higher levels of stress during this period. This is compounded by the fact that marriage is one of the biggest milestones a person can experience in his or her life. When it feels like a lot is riding on this decision, you may find yourself looking for all kinds of signs to help highlight whether you’re making the right choice. This is far from a modern practice, with wedding superstitions dating back as far as history allows.
While it is always best to take “old wives’ tales” with a grain of salt, it can be interesting to hear about some of the beliefs people have held over the years. Look over these superstitions and learn more about the myths that have governed marriage.
Superstitions Of No Knives, Please
Many people purchase household essentials as wedding gifts. Though a new set of cutlery seems like it would be a perfect present, this has not always been the case. Across the world, a number of cultures believe that a knife as a gift is an omen of bad fortune. The basic idea is that anything used as a tool for cutting acts as a symbol of severing the ties of the relationship. While a widespread belief, plenty of modern couples still ask for knives, scissors, and other sharp instruments on their registries.
If you’re worried about this superstition and receive a knife as a present, there is a way to counteract the bad luck. By giving the gifter a penny in exchange for the knife, you are technically purchasing the item. Many cultures believe that this small step will dispel any negativity surrounding the gift.
It Tolls for Thee
Bells are often associated with marriage. When a couple starts to get serious about dating, it is common for friends and family to ask if they “hear wedding bells.” Though it might seem like a normal part of many Christian weddings, ringing bells was once considered a way to keep bad spirits away from the couple. Beginning as a Celtic tradition in Ireland, bells would resound at the end of a ceremony in order to frighten away any supernatural entities looking to cause harm or mischief to the union.
Odd Superstitions
Nowadays, many couples will delegate the task of presenting the rings during the ceremony to either a young child in the family or a member of the wedding party. While it might seem like a small task, one superstition suggests it should only be completed by someone with a firm grip and excellent balance. According to some beliefs, dropping the rings on the way to the altar signals bad luck for the couple and the person who dropped the jewelry.
Though this superstition can be shrugged off, there are instances where dropping the rings can be problematic. Should a ring roll into a vent, between floorboards, or under a heavy piece of furniture, retrieving it might cause major delays.
The Old Switcheroo
In modern times, bridesmaids are usually the women who have a meaningful connection to the couple. However, this position actually came about due to superstition. In Ancient Rome, it was believed that a woman who was about to be married was likely to attract the attention of evil spirits. To trick the spirits, other women would be dressed in a similar fashion as the bride and would stand near her to act as decoys. While many bridesmaids complain about the dresses they’re asked to wear at weddings, most would prefer this problem to being used as lures for malicious entities.
Superstitions surrounding weddings come in all shapes and sizes. Though there is little merit to some of these beliefs, you may still feel compelled to follow them just to give yourself some peace of mind.