Wedding Send-Off Ideas To Consider

It may seem like an after-thought, but the send-off ceremony after the wedding can add a little extra excitement to the festivities.
There are many moments during a wedding that couples overlook while making their plans. After the ceremony has finished, for example, it is common for a send-off to take place. This is when all of the family and friends shout words of encouragement at the couple as they go from the ceremony venue to their vehicle. While it might seem like a very small moment, it can actually be a pretty significant point of the day. These are the first minutes that the couple enjoys being united as one, and the send-off is aimed at this.
If you want to make your send-off a special moment, consider some of these fun ideas. There are plenty of exciting ways for your friends and family to wish you luck.
The History of the Send-Off Ritual
Most people are familiar with the send-off as the moment of a wedding when guests throw rice at the couple. It is actually quite uncommon for rice to be used during a ceremony these days, but movies and television still use this visual because of how many people are familiar with the trope. The idea stems back to the Roman Empire, when married couples would have grains thrown at them as a way of wishing them good fortune in their union. The tradition persisted all the way to modern times, where it is slowly losing steam.
Throwing rice might look pretty, but studies have shown it can be problematic to the environment. Some reports suggest the rice can be a huge issue for birds, who attempt to eat the uncooked kernels and experience a lot of digestive issues because of it. Though throwing rice might not be common, couples can still explore all kinds of creative and clever ways to make the send-off moment a noteworthy one.
Alternative Ideas
You don’t need people to throw little grains at you in order to feel their warmth and love. Instead, explore ideas that have the same impact in a less messy way. Buy a bunch of little bells and have ushers hand them out to guests before the ceremony. When the send-off occurs, have all the guests ring their bells at once. This creates a beautiful symphony of chimes as you and your partner pass by. The bells can even be brought to the reception after, where guests can use them in place of clinking glasses to have the couple smooch.
Bubbles can also be a fun idea to explore. As with the bells, have bubbles handed out to your guests when they arrive at the wedding. When you and your significant other exit the venue, the crowd can blow bubbles into the air and create a magical storm of suds. Not only is this a whimsical way to celebrate your union, but it also involves very little cleanup and can be accomplished with minimal cash. Get creative and you’ll be able to find a great method for your big moment.
A Special Idea
Finally, you might want to personalize this part of the wedding to meet your own tastes. Are you and your partner fans of a particular sports team? If so, then buy a bunch of pom-poms and streamers in the colors of your team. When exiting the venue, have your guests cheer you on like you’re members of the team. It might seem silly, but it can definitely give you a real rush of adrenaline. Plus, this is a great way to make your send-off relevant to your own interests.
After you and your partner have tied the knot, the send-off moment is your chance to greet the world as a unified pair. Find the best way for your guests to send you off and get ready to get caught up in all of the excitement.