Think Ahead About Rain and Avoid a Wedding Disaster With These Suggestions

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Think Ahead About Rain and Avoid a Wedding Disaster With These Suggestions

While there are countless problems that can arise between the moment two people get engaged and the day they walk down the aisle, there are some issues that have plagued couples for generations. Rain on your wedding day, for example, is more than just a lyric from an Alanis Morissette song. It is a very real problem that can threaten to throw your big day into a tizzy. You might not be able to control the weather via an app on your phone, but you can think ahead to find solutions. 

The Season and Location Matter

Rain does not just happen without warning. While sudden storms can occur, most wet weather can be predicted by meteorologists based on key factors. For example, the time of year and region make a huge difference in the probability of inclement conditions. Someone getting married during spring in Seattle is going to be dealing with a much higher probability of rain than someone tying to tie the knot in Arizona during the summer. The higher the odds of rain on the date you plan on holding your event, the more thought you should put into your contingency plan. 

The Easy Idea: Tents

One of the most effective ways of planning for rain when you are hosting an outdoor wedding is by renting tents. These ingenious inventions have been lifesavers for event planners of all varieties over the decades, as an enclosed space can be erected in a fast and useful way. In order for you to use this solution, you will need to coordinate with the venue manager and learn more about how you can make arrangements to have the tents put up should there be a call for cloudy skies. 

The Expensive Idea: Consider A Indoor Space If There Is Rain

While tents can offer an easy solution, some people would rather not be outside in any capacity if rain appears. No matter how protected you are from above, the ground is likely still going to absorb some water. This creates mud and makes any temporary flooring you lay down uneven. Though it might not be the most affordable solution, putting a deposit down on a backup venue is the only true way to make sure you have somewhere indoors to go if the rain comes down hard. 

The Musts: Coordination Is Key If There Is Rain In The Forecast

No matter what you decide to do when rain comes along, your choice is going to impact more than just you and your partner. Everyone who is planning on being present at your event needs to be notified as soon as you make a decision. Guests will need to know if there is a backup plan so they know where to go and can plan accordingly. Similarly, the vendors you have hired will not know where to bring their wares if you make a plan for rainfall and don’t keep them in the loop.

The Little Things

If only the ceremony is going to be held outside or the rain is scheduled to pass quickly, then there are some little changes you can make to make everyone more comfortable. Giving out umbrellas to guests and vendors is a great way to reduce the odds of the rain getting anyone’s nice clothes or wares wet. Giving out protective shoe coverings is also a smart move, as a lot of your guests will be wearing some of their finest footwear when attending your event. These small gestures can make your guests feel more comfortable in no time.

The world requires rainfall on a routine basis for life to thrive. However, getting wet while celebrating a monumental occasion like a wedding is enough to make anyone upset. Avoid this scenario entirely by coming up with contingencies for how to respond when the forecast calls for rain. With enough effort, you will have no trouble devising a plan that covers all your bases.

Think Ahead About Rain and Avoid a Wedding Disaster With These Suggestions

While there are countless problems that can arise between the moment two people get engaged and the day they walk down the aisle, there are some issues that have plagued couples for generations. Rain on your wedding day, for example, is more than just a lyric from an Alanis Morissette song. It is a very real problem that can threaten to throw your big day into a tizzy. You might not be able to control the weather via an app on your phone, but you can think ahead to find solutions. 

The Season and Location Matter

Rain does not just happen without warning. While sudden storms can occur, most wet weather can be predicted by meteorologists based on key factors. For example, the time of year and region make a huge difference in the probability of inclement conditions. Someone getting married during spring in Seattle is going to be dealing with a much higher probability of rain than someone tying to tie the knot in Arizona during the summer. The higher the odds of rain on the date you plan on holding your event, the more thought you should put into your contingency plan. 

The Easy Idea: Tents

One of the most effective ways of planning for rain when you are hosting an outdoor wedding is by renting tents. These ingenious inventions have been lifesavers for event planners of all varieties over the decades, as an enclosed space can be erected in a fast and useful way. In order for you to use this solution, you will need to coordinate with the venue manager and learn more about how you can make arrangements to have the tents put up should there be a call for cloudy skies. 

The Expensive Idea: Consider A Indoor Space If There Is Rain

While tents can offer an easy solution, some people would rather not be outside in any capacity if rain appears. No matter how protected you are from above, the ground is likely still going to absorb some water. This creates mud and makes any temporary flooring you lay down uneven. Though it might not be the most affordable solution, putting a deposit down on a backup venue is the only true way to make sure you have somewhere indoors to go if the rain comes down hard. 

The Musts: Coordination Is Key If There Is Rain In The Forecast

No matter what you decide to do when rain comes along, your choice is going to impact more than just you and your partner. Everyone who is planning on being present at your event needs to be notified as soon as you make a decision. Guests will need to know if there is a backup plan so they know where to go and can plan accordingly. Similarly, the vendors you have hired will not know where to bring their wares if you make a plan for rainfall and don’t keep them in the loop.

The Little Things

If only the ceremony is going to be held outside or the rain is scheduled to pass quickly, then there are some little changes you can make to make everyone more comfortable. Giving out umbrellas to guests and vendors is a great way to reduce the odds of the rain getting anyone’s nice clothes or wares wet. Giving out protective shoe coverings is also a smart move, as a lot of your guests will be wearing some of their finest footwear when attending your event. These small gestures can make your guests feel more comfortable in no time.

The world requires rainfall on a routine basis for life to thrive. However, getting wet while celebrating a monumental occasion like a wedding is enough to make anyone upset. Avoid this scenario entirely by coming up with contingencies for how to respond when the forecast calls for rain. With enough effort, you will have no trouble devising a plan that covers all your bases.

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