
Different Ways To Spend Time Together Without Wedding Planning

After getting engaged, couples tend to spend a good chunk of the time before the wedding planning for the event. Unfortunately, being consumed by any project in such a demanding way can easily lead to burnout, irritation, and more. To combat this, you can make a concerted effort to spend quality time with your partner. What’s more, this time together can have absolutely nothing to do with the wedding itself. Though it might be stressful at first, these date nights can go a long way to help strengthen the bond you have with your significant other. 

Date nights can run the gamut from fun to practical. Review these ideas and find a perfect fit for the free time you would like to share.

Go on a Classic Date

The classic idea of a date is one that includes dinner and some form of entertainment. In modern times, couples will go to the movies, though going to a play or live concert is just as acceptable. When was the last time you went on a date like this? Though it might be the image the media likes to push the most, dates of this kind are not as commonplace. To make your time together feel special, it can be fun to explore the idea of going on a traditional date as a couple.

Naturally, a tight budget can hinder these plans. While you may be in need of a night out, your funds could be telling you that it is not possible. Instead, have fun with an easy alternative. Stay home and cook a meal together, followed by hanging on the couch and watching a movie or television series. It might not be the same as having someone cook for you, but it can be a lovely consolation in a pinch. 

Complete a Project

Not all dates need to involve going out or doing something in a relaxed way. For plenty of couples, an ideal weekend is one where a project can be started and finished. If you already live together, a wonderful way to spend time together is taking on one of the many tasks you have been putting off. This could be anything from changing lightbulbs in a certain hallway to cleaning the garage to throwing away all of the old food in the pantry. Checking a box off your list will fill you both with pride and a sense of accomplishment.

Visit Loved Ones

Do you live far from your close family members and friends? While it might be comforting to know that you will see most of them when your wedding arrives, you also may not have enough time during the celebration to interact with them for long. One way to fix this and enjoy time with your partner is by taking a weekend trip to visit the people you love. Obviously, this is only possible if it is within your budget and travel capabilities. Still, the energy this brings to the table will revitalize your spirits.


Though you likely spend a good chunk of your time with your significant other, it may have been a while since you actually had a conversation. Studies suggest that couples who have been together a long time don’t tend to talk as much as they did in the earliest phases of the relationship. While some couples are naturally less talkative, do your part to encourage deep, intellectual, and engaging discussions now and then. This helps you grow and bond in ways that small talk cannot achieve. 

Date nights are a wonderful way to break the monotony and imbue your relationship with new life. Plan a small excursion or project around the house and see how it can help you feel less stress about your upcoming wedding plans.