
Long-Term Partners and Romance

A long romance can be special. The longer you’ve been with your significant other, the more likely it is you’ve fallen into a routine. Sadly, allowing yourselves to slip into patterns can be an easy way for the fun and excitement to drain out of your connection. You don’t need to renew your vows or take a lavish vacation to invigorate the romance in your relationship. In fact, most actions you can take right away are incredibly simple. Review these options and inspire your own journey to a more passionate future.

Hold Hands

Early in your relationship, it stands to reason you couldn’t keep your hands off your partner. Holding the hand of the person you love is such a simple gesture, and yet many people stop this practice the longer they have been together. If this is familiar to you, then there’s no better way to surprise your partner than by grabbing his or her hand. The more you practice this, the more connected you’re going to feel. 

Interestingly, there is a scientific reason why holding hands is a great way to feel connected to loved ones. Prolonged physical contact with another person starts to produce the hormone oxytocin in both individuals. This hormone is responsible for establishing and securing bonds between people and is often called the “love drug” because it is found in higher quantities in the earliest years of people who have fallen in love. Hold hands and your brains will do the rest of the work!

Have a Conversation

The “how was your day” routine is a familiar one for those who have been in relationships for a while. Though the question might begin as an earnest one, a point comes when both parties stop fully listening to the answer. Though a bad habit to fall into, it is an easy one to break. Instead of discussing banal details of your routine, spark up a talk about a topic of interest. It doesn’t need to be some deep existential discussion, though this is also fine. The goal is to just chat.

Being around someone all the time doesn’t mean you really know what is going on in his or her head. Time changes people and their perspectives. By engaging in routine conversation that permeates deeper layers below “how was your day,” you can use curiosity to drive your romance and attraction constantly forward. 

Romance Without Your Phones

Couples in the digital age have far more distractions to deal with than relationships of the past. Nowadays, people are glued to their digital devices. Whether you’re out to dinner or hanging around the house watching TV, it stands to reason one or both of you are intermittently looking at your phones. Sadly, this is a very easy way to start driving a wedge between you and the people in your physical proximity. Though you both might be guilty of the act, all it takes is one person to suggest a “no-phone date night” and you can see a difference.

Have Outside Activities

Couples who get along well will often do a ton of activities together. While you might not tire of your partner’s presence, it can be important to separate yourself to a certain degree with outside interests. Having hobbies and passions that you pursue without your significant other allows you the chance to grow on an individual level and always have new and interesting things to bring back to the table in your relationship. Learn to balance the time alone with the time engaged in common pursuits, and it can add robust new dimensions to your romance. 

Though time is always going to impact a relationship in some capacity, you can easily do your part to withstand whatever is in store. Find simple ideas that work for you and start taking action to keep the romance alive.

Show Your Romantic Side With These Unexpected Ideas

envelope with heart insideThe longer you have been with your significant other, the easier it is for things to feel routine. While this is the nature of relationships, it can be important to keep a bit of excitement in the mix. Studies show that couples who take time to show their love and affection to each other are more likely to stick together for the long haul. Since actions speak louder than words, it can be great to figure out what will help to showcase your love for your partner. Consider these ideas to get your romance wheels turning.

Go for the Cliche 

How many times in a movie or television show does a person show up at the door of his or her lover while holding a bouquet of flowers? Now think about how often you have done this for your partner. Aside from special events, most people don’t think to get flowers for their significant others. If you want to surprise and delight the person you love, go with the time-tested cliche of handing over a gorgeous arrangement of flowers. You can buy them from the store or pluck them yourself while on a stroll.

Be Specific With a Surprise

Flowers are a nice surprise because most people know that the gesture is meant to showcase a person’s affection. If you want to take this idea to the next level, you can be a bit more specific in the gift that you bring home. Instead of flowers, show up with dinner from his or her favorite restaurant. Is your partner almost out of her favorite conditioner? Pick it up on your way home from work without being asked, and you can be sure that the action will be received well.

Offer a Massage

Life has a way of being pretty stressful. If you want to make your partner feel loved and appreciated, offer to work through some of the stress with a massage. Whether your significant other works long and difficult hours of physical labor or is someone who sits at a desk all day, a back rub can be an amazing and highly romantic surprise. You can do a quick rub or a more involved massage with oils and other tools. Plus, you may even be able to get a massage out of the deal yourself.

Leave a Note

Remember passing notes to your friends back in school? There was always a sense of excitement that came along with receiving a piece of paper with a message that had been written specifically for you. With this in mind, sit down and write a simple love note to your partner. Leave the note in a place where it will be easily found. Speaking from the heart in a note has a habit of touching the soul in all the right ways.

Take an Unexpected Trip

In many cases, couples can feel stuck in a rut because they have been in a routine for a long while. A fantastic way to break this pattern is by taking your partner on an unexpected trip. You can go somewhere local for the weekend or take a longer excursion to somewhere a bit farther away. By removing yourself from familiar surroundings and going away to a location new and exciting, you can rekindle the love you have for each other without the typical distractions of home.

Surprising your significant other every now and again is key when it comes to cultivating a relationship that is built upon growth and evolution. Use the ideas here as inspiration, and start to think about what your partner would enjoy most. Put some thought into your idea, and learn how a few small gestures can make a world of difference in a relationship.

Running Out of Date Night Ideas? Here Are Some Romantic Options To Try

Planning a regular date night with your significant other is an important part of keeping the romance alive in your relationship.

Planning a regular date night with your significant other is an important part of keeping the romance alive in your relationship.

It is no great mystery that spending quality time with your significant other is key to the longevity of your relationship. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to figure out what to do during these sessions. While you likely spend a lot of time in the same physical space, this doesn’t mean you’re engaged in a useful way. Most couples find that having a specific time every now and again reserved for a date night is a great way to be dedicated to bonding and allow the rest of the world to fade away.

Whether you decide to partake in a unique activity or one that has been tested by time, there are many different options at your disposal. Here are a few easy angles to consider to help you find a fun fit.

No Effort Date Night

Life can be hectic. While 2020 might have taken things to a whole new level of unexpected, life before was not free from stress and anxiety. With so much to handle between shouldering the weight of the world and dealing with interpersonal and work dramas, you might not have a lot of energy to dedicate to your partner. Since canceling a date night is never a great idea, it is best to work with the mood you’re in. You don’t have to go anywhere to make your date night one that is totally worthwhile.

The easiest ways to enjoy time at home together in an active way include watching a movie you’re both interested in, cooking a meal together, or dedicating a bit of time to a project around the house. These little tasks completed together can be rewarding because of how simple they are. Plus you don’t have to spend much money to enjoy each other’s company in your own home.

An Unexpected Surprise

While a routine date night might offer comfort and predictability, romance also requires an element of surprise. Instead of simply waiting for a certain day each month to arrive, take action and figure out how you can make your significant other smile. If he or she works long hours, pop over to the workplace with a meal and encourage a quick lunch break together. This disruption of the normal routine can be a nice way to jolt a bit of excitement into life. Try to cater the surprise to the personality of your partner.

There are many ways to successfully surprise someone you love. If you catch wind of your spouse’s favorite band playing a show in your town in the near future, order tickets and arrange the plans to create a surprise night of magic. With COVID-19 regulations preventing public gatherings, you might need to get creative with ideas like this. You can still get out and have some unexpected fun without breaking the guidelines of distancing.

Nurture Nature

The couple who loves the outdoors will always benefit from finding activities to take part in outside. Recent months have seen most major campgrounds close due to guidelines related to the novel coronavirus. Instead of accepting defeat, arrange it so that you can have a glamorous camping date night right in your own back yard. If you don’t have a yard to camp in, make a blanket fort in your home. Play ambient sounds of nature, make snacks you’d normally cook over a fire, and have a bit of imaginative fun.

As long as you don’t mind thinking outside the box, there are plenty of ways to keep romance alive. The key is shaking things up while keeping some sort of routine in place for the times when you don’t have the energy for excitement. The more you actively work on this part of your relationship, the easier it will be to delve into new ideas and enjoy the time you spend together.

Romantic Ways To Express Your Love

When you've fallen into a dull routine, keep in mind there are numerous ways to re-connect with your partner in meaningful and romantic ways

When you’ve fallen into a dull routine, keep in mind there are numerous ways to re-connect with your partner in meaningful and romantic ways

The longer you’ve been with your partner, the more likely it is you’ve fallen into a routine. While this can be helpful in many ways, it doesn’t do much to keep the passion of your relationship alive. No one burns with desire when a partner asks where his or her keys are for the millionth time in a row. This means you need to make a concerted effort to connect with your significant other in meaningful and romantic ways. Think about how you can express your love romantically while exploring these tips.

Send a Text

In the current day and age, people are kind of glued to their phones. While you probably communicate with your significant other regularly through texts and social media interactions, these are most likely “business” related. You send a message to remind each other of important events or request the other stop by the store on the way home from work to grab milk. You can be a bit more romantic in your textual exchanges by randomly throwing out sweet sentiments. Send an “I love you” text out of nowhere to brighten your partner’s day.

Domestic Bliss

You can also use the doldrums of daily life to your advantage. Chores and household tasks can be a huge burden on relationships. When your partner is struggling with the tasks he or she normally takes on, you can be a huge help by offering to complete the chores. Maybe your significant other always cooks meals on the weeknights because you work later hours. Even though you may divide responsibilities between each other, going the extra mile whenever possible has a way of making your relationship more manageable.

Tokens of Affection

There is no shortage of holidays on the calendar. From Valentine’s Day to Christmas to birthdays, you probably buy gifts for your partner a lot throughout the year. Still, a small gift or token of affection on a random day can be an incredibly sweet way to make your partner smile. Try to think about what might have the biggest impact and be the most romantic. This can be anything from a purchase your partner might be holding back on to some DIY project you put together with care and love. Most people will appreciate the gesture over the actual gift.

Little Adventures

Running errands together on the weekend is not the same as enjoying time in the world together. Many couples tend to fight while running to the grocery store or IKEA due to the nature of the excursions. Break this cycle by opting to go on little adventures together whenever possible. Forget about your to-do lists and take a trip somewhere new. Go to the local library and spend the day finding new books together. Wander a local farmer’s market or rummage sale without a clear purpose. Small day trips create fun memories and can yield big romantic results.


Cohabitation is not always a guarantee of conversation. When you see the same person each day, you will find yourself sitting in silence and staring at your phones more often than not. A great way to keep the passion alive in your relationship is by setting time aside to converse the way you did when you first met. Really engage and listen to each other’s stories. This can help strengthen the bond you share and, more importantly, keep you both informed on the happenings that occur in the other’s life. An occasional date night out to one of your favorite restaurants, for example, would provide the perfect opportunity to converse.

There are a number of romantic ways to express the love you have for your partner. Unfortunately, remembering to take time for this becomes more difficult as the years go on. Make a conscious effort to go above and beyond for your partner. Perform little actions to show how much you care, and see the positive impact it can have on your relationship.