The start of a new year offers plenty of opportunities to make big and necessary changes to your life. The beauty of being in a relationship is that it also provides a chance to strengthen the bond you share. As the new year dawns, there are countless actions you can commit to in order to get more out of the future together. Consider these ideas and find the perfect way to make the transition to the next year one that produces both a sense of meaning and feelings of accomplishment.
Keep Each Other Guessing
Spontaneity is key to a healthy relationship. While routine can provide you with comfort and stability, breaking your patterns has a way of invigorating your spirit. One way you can achieve this is by promising to surprise each other at least once every month of the coming year. Take turns scheduling unique date nights or grab little gifts on an impulse — whatever you think will delight your significant other. Not only can this keep your relationship fresh, but it can introduce you to activities that you might not have discovered otherwise.
Discuss Relationship Resolutions
Personal resolutions tend to revolve around ways to become a better version of yourself. Similarly, you can work together to create a relationship that is stronger and more prepared to handle the tests of time. Talk about what you each feel your shortcomings are as a couple. From handling arguments poorly to being too frivolous with funds, setting a concrete goal as a unit can lay the groundwork for a year filled with positive strides in surprising new directions. Shared objectives can also be about the next step you’ll take together, like getting engaged, having children, or buying a home.
Setting resolutions together doesn’t mean that you cannot also make a few on your own. A relationship is strongest when both parties feel their best. If you want to get in better shape, eat healthier meals, or spend more time outside, set your own goals and see how it leads to a more cohesive union.
A Resolution to Learn About Each Other
Pursuing individual hobbies can help people in a relationship retain a bit of autonomy. However, sharing your passions with your partner is a wonderful way to grow closer. As a fun resolution for the new year, consider setting aside time now and again to chat about your interests. Talk about what you love, listen to what your partner enjoys, and discover new facets of each other. You might even discover that you have some shared interests that you never knew about, which can be a delightful surprise when you’ve been together a long while.
You can also take this idea to the next level by trying each other’s hobbies. If your partner likes to attend comic conventions, take a trip along to the next gathering. If you love a certain band, get tickets for the two of you to see a show the next time they’re on tour. Even if you have no genuine interest in the activity, you’ll be able to make your partner feel like you care.
Give Some Space
Finally, don’t forget to give each other space when needed. If you’ve been together a long while and cohabitation is part of the arrangement, you may crave personal time. Even the healthiest relationships require partners to take time away from each other. Whether you give each other room to go out with friends on a routine basis or you just leave the house so your partner can take a nap, there is a lot to be said for respecting each other’s boundaries.
Though there is no wrong time to make positive changes in a relationship, the beginning of a new year has a way of setting the right tone. Consider what will work best for you and your partner to lay the foundation for a wonderful year ahead.