happy marriage

Recipe for a Successful Marriage

Couple toasting their anniversary On April 13, Norma and Ross Irwin of Peterborough, Ontario celebrated their 74th wedding anniversary. The couple commemorated the momentous occasion with 230 family members that spanned four generations. Mr. Ross is 100 years old and his wife is 96. Seventy-four years of marriage is a tough act to follow, but there are some Canadians who have surpassed that mark; other high-profile citizens have had long-lasting unions as well.

The Mintzs and the Kuiks

Millie and Clem Mintz are the oldest living married couple in Canada. They celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary on November 14. Mrs. Mintz, 96, and Mr. Mintz, 100, have two daughters and live in Parry Sound, Ontario.

Grietje and Jakob Kuik hold the Canadian record for the longest marriage; they were married for 82 years. The Winnipeg couple is now deceased—Grietje died in 2001 and Jakob died in 2004. They had 10 children, 40 grandchildren, 176 great-grandchildren and 26 great-great grandchildren.

Wayne Gretzky

The Great One has been married to American actress Janet Jones for 26 years. The couple wed in an elaborate ceremony in 1988 in Edmonton. They live in Los Angeles and have five children.

Michael J. Fox

Movie star nice guy Michael J. Fox and wife Tracey Pollan were married on the same day in 1988 as Wayne Gretzky and Janet Jones. Some of Fox’s acting credits include “Back to the Future,” “Spin City” and “The Good Wife.” The actor has had Parkinson’s disease since 1991.

Celine Dion

Singer-songwriter Celine Dion first met her husband, Rene Angelil, when she was 12 years old. The couple married 14 years later in Quebec, in 1994. They currently reside in Las Vegas and have three boys, including a set of twins.

Frank Gehry

World-renowned architect Frank Gehry has been married to Panamanian Berta Isabel Aguilera for 40 years. The couple resides in Santa Monica, California.


Three of Canada’s most high-profile politicians are married:

  • Stephen Harper

Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper, 64, married Lauren Tesky in 1993. He was named Prime Minister in 2006.

  • Thomas Mulcair

New Democratic Party leader Thomas Mulcair wed psychologist Catherine Pinhas 39 years ago when they were both 21. The couple resides in Quebec.

  • Justin Trudeau

Rising political star and Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau has been married to television host Sophie Gregoire since 2005. The couple has three children. Trudeau is the son of former long-serving Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.

Tips for a Long and Happy Marriage

Marriage takes work, but some couples have relationships that stand the test of time:

  • Marry Your Best Friend

Choosing the right partner is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Enjoying each other’s company and being able to be yourself with your partner are essential. The abilities to trust one another and laugh together are also important.

  • Don’t Make Your Kids the Number One Priority

Children are an integral part of many marriages, but if they are the top priority it may create problems. Scheduling alone time and date nights can help keep you connected to your spouse. Someday your kids will grow up and (hopefully) leave the nest. Being close with your spouse while they are still home is important and also sets a good example for them regarding their future relationships.

  • Limit Outside Influences

Don’t let other people interfere with your marriage, even in-laws, siblings or friends. The two of you, and no one else, call the shots.

  • Don’t Ignore the Little Things

Life is busy; kids, work and other commitments can easily compete with your relationship. Saying, “I love you” and kissing and hugging each other “hello” and “goodbye” are ways to stay connected.

Being married can be hard and all couples go through tough times. Finding the right balance for your relationship can make it a very rewarding experience.