
The Goat-Fish: Facts About Capricorns
Many astrologers call Capricorns “the most boring sign." However, from the strange to the mundane, Capricorns are said to host a number of specific traits.

Many astrologers call Capricorns “the most boring sign.” However, from the strange to the mundane, Capricorns are said to host a number of specific traits.

According to Western Astrology, those born between December 22nd and January 20th fall under the sign of Capricorn, which is unique in many ways, especially considering it is the one that carries over from one year into the next. Capricorn is also associated with a strange chimera: a hybrid of a goat and a fish. With such odd connections, it should come as no surprise that Capricorns are also unique individuals. Many astrologers call Capricorns “the most boring,” but this is far from the case.

From the strange to the mundane, Capricorns are said to host a number of specific traits. Explore some of these fun facts, and learn a bit more about the goat-fish of the world.

Express Yourself 

Emotions can be difficult for all signs to deal with. Though those born under Capricorn are said to feel strong and deep emotions, they also are not likely to have an easy time expressing how they truly feel within. This can create strange problems in relationships. While a Capricorn might be totally in love with another person, he or she might never be able to come out and speak the words. The lesson here for Capricorns is to find a healthy way to express these deeper feelings.

The interesting thing about how a Capricorn approaches his or her feelings is that it normally happens by observing and learning about others. For example, it is said that a Capricorn is more likely to reserve judgement on an argument he or she witnessed until knowing both sides of the story. This somewhat impartial approach to conflict can make the Capricorn seem detached, but it really means he or she wants to understand as much as possible before taking a side or getting involved.

Commitment and Perfection

A Capricorn is a committed individual, especially when he or she truly cares about something. If someone born under this sign decides to run a marathon, then you can bet he or she will spend countless hours training. The Capricorn is not entering the race to win, per se, but he or she wants to make sure that the commitment level is as high as possible. Unfortunately, the person is likely to try too hard and burn out fast.

A Capricorn wants to achieve his or her own idea of perfection when approaching a task. While they might not be obsessed with the traditional idea of “winning,” Capricorns still put unrealistic expectations on themselves in regard to being perfect. This can lead to a lot of inner conflict and other issues. Luckily, the Capricorn who recognizes this has a good chance of being able to overcome it.

Picky and Fierce

Finally, the average Capricorn is not likely to call everyone friend. They are said to be very picky about the company they keep. Still, they will protect those they do call friends in a fierce way, making Capricorns some of the most loyal and caring individuals out there. While not always the best listeners, Capricorns most often appreciate people who will lend them an ear from time to time. If you’re looking to comfort a Capricorn in your life, try listening to what they’ll share – it may work wonders.

All signs of the zodiac tend to be unique, but Capricorns seem to host a few more strange quirks and traits than others. Though the symbol of the goat-fish might be an odd one, it does make sense when one considers the peculiar nature of the Capricorn and how he or she moves through life in a way fit for land and sea.